Property Management Blog

Keep an Eye on Your Rental Property - and Your Tenant

System - Wednesday, August 11, 2021

In the dog days of summer, we’re thinking about cooler weather and how to find and retain great tenants.

Last month, we talked about finding that well-qualified tenant. This month, we’re taking a look at how to manage the relationship once your tenant is in place. Keeping in touch is a great way to protect your property and that tenant relationship. Next month, we’ll chat about tenant retention and how to make sure your lease is renewed.

So how can you protect your property by inspecting it without being a nuisance to your tenants?

Routine inspections should be expected.

Remember last month when we said we discuss the lease agreement in detail before tenants move in? One of the things we talk about is routine inspections and when they can be expected.

Maintaining your investment property is about more than responding to repair requests. Inspections are preventative and proactive. They serve you, your property, and even your residents.

Inspections allow us to evaluate the property’s condition, ensure appliances are functioning, and identify any deferred or unreported maintenance.

It’s August. How’s the HVAC? Have the filters been changed? This is what inspections tell us.

Holding your tenants accountable is good property management.

These inspections allow us to ensure there aren’t any unauthorized residents or pets in the home.

We look for lease violations and check in with your tenants to make sure they’re happy and taking care of the home.

With our team, you can expect an ideal balance between enforcing the lease agreement and trusting your tenants. We won’t show up every month, demanding to look around. But we will make sure your tenants are performing the way we expect them to.

Inspections also help us identify the tenants we’re excited about keeping in place. Next month we’ll talk about tenant retention. If you know someone who is always embroiled in a tenant dispute or contact, please share this newsletter and let them know we can help. Your referrals mean a lot to us